Monday, February 26, 2007

Natalogically Done

Ta daa!

It's done.....almost. Well not even half way there as I still haven't chased the builder up about our lack of fly screens.

No. Fly. Screens... When I'm a mossie play park!

It's not been pretty in my house!

But the floors are divine and polished so highly that skidding around in your socks is a perfect way to unwind after a day administering incredibly toxic drugs to people to make them sick!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Improper Behaviour of Respectable (ish?) Pilots

James, you didn't have to beat him up so much!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Sparkle And The Sting Ray

Mama went swimming with these fine beasts.

She nearly peed herself when this fella swam underneath her though.

Fortunately she remembered that wee attracts sharks so she waited until she was back on the boat before she lost control of her bladder!

Friday, February 02, 2007