This month, I have been a fully qualified nurse for nine whole years. I thought I would regal my many tales of hilarity to you.
I hope you're not offended by poo and bums!?
- The man who I naively thought was having a seizure. Hey I was still only a student at this point in time. I held his hand for several minutes trying to ease his distress.
He wasn't distressed
.....Which became vividly apparent when it came to me changing his nappy. Dirty old fucker! - The old nun who died in the care of a male colleague. He felt that it was wrong for him to lay her out (quite rightly) and asked me to do the last offices. Unfortunately he didn't actually help me with my horrific workload and so by the time I managed to flounce into her room adorned with lovely smelling soaps and enough plastic sheeting to wrap the entire village, her legs were rigor-mortised in a 'Marilyn-on-the-grate' position.
Cue many fears about me not being allowed to frolic in the kingdom of heaven with a half naked Brad Pitt because one of Gods disciples was buried in a Y shaped coffin. - The woman who thought it hilarious to pick small scraps of poo from her derriere , roll it between her palms and try and offer it up to various members of nursing staff as 'maltesers'!
She nearly had one of the newly qualified nurses convinced. Nearly! - The worst trannie ever resplendent with bald spot , an Adams apple, feet borrowed from a yeti, James Earl Jones voice and to top it all off, a tattoo of a bald eagle on her forearm. She sat her 6'4" frame on the edge of the hospital bed and tinkled at the med students pathetic jokes while twirling her pearls between her gargantuan fingers.
Brave woman but please....don't ever wear open toed sandals and NEVER name your new self after a character in Grease! - The patient with the penile implant. Some stupid arsed nurse (or nurse with an evil sense of humour) had written in the care plan (the plan containing all that needs to be done for that particular patient) to conduct neuro vascular observations including monitoring capillary return (touching the permanently erect 'thing' and monitoring how quickly the white skin turns back to pink..??!), checking for pulses (eek) and checking for sensory differences...ie "Sir does this feel different? How about this? No? How about when I touch it here?" This is all to be done whilst offering 'patient reassurance re: penile implant'.
Hmmm, not exactly why I got into nursing and if I was wanting to go into 'that line of work' then I would be expecting a far better wage and a much more handsome (wipe clean) uniform! - The patient who came into hospital with a manky toe. The whole toe was necrotic (dead) and black like the peat bog man. One morning when I was doing his dressing, his toe FELL OFF in my hand.
That was a very good day! - The man who after undergoing an operation to remove the 15 inch black rubber dildo from his rectum anxiously enquired what they had done with his best friend. He was terrified that the hospital staff were going to throw away his most prized possession and kept grabbing the nursing staff crying "I need that, but I need that"
- The patient that came in with a necrotising fasciatis of his willy. They skinned him like a rabbit and took half of his scrots away. When I stuck my hand into his abdominal cavity to dress the surgical wounds (the cavity went all the way to his belly button) I wriggled my exposed fingers out of the other end of the wound.
That was when my student fainted! - The little old confused man who went missing in the middle of the night. The police found him two miles down the road wearing nothing but his backless hospital gown baring his shriveled old bottom to the passing traffic and walking his zimmer frame up the middle of the dual carriageway!
How he managed to get himself that far, we'll never know. - One morning when I was working in A&E a young man was wheeled into the department on his all fours on a ambulance trolley. His wife and two little blond haired kids came scurrying in after him.
When questioned, the young man stated that he had merely been hoovering in the nude and had somehow 'sat on the dyson'.
It didn't convince anyone!
can i ask a teensy weensy little favour? next time you have a need to describe these lovely medical conditions, please put a warning up! i was eating as i read you see. WAS eating.......
Ah maybe I should have been more specific when I asked if anyone would be offended by poo and bums?
Many apologies....
Will post some lovely patient things next time.
You have to be some kind of person to be able to be a nurse, I couldnt do it. I would be like your students, fainting but probably every 5 mins!!
I was aboot to have breakfast.
I could not do your job. I would be a nervous wreck.
Excellent stuff there Nat - in fact, most of it totally hilarious
What Reidski has already said!
His toe came off in your hand? Ohmigod!
Moo, it's funny cos I can cope with patients'gory bits but as son as someone real hurts themselves (like Dave) then I can't cope!
...although, really, you should have seen the state of Dave's finger a couple of weeks ago. Gross!
Spunks, Soz, will carry a government health warning with the next gruesome post. It's opened up the nursing floodgates about all these other horrors that I haven't thought about in years.
And for the record, I couldn't do your job. I don't look good in a suit for starts!
Reidski, thanks. I made them all myself!
JJ, yep. It was fabulous. I called all my colleagues into the room just so they could all see. I was a hero!
I would just like to say that I found out last night that the man in story 1) was actually having a wank!! That makes this story 1 million times worse!! I thought it was poo, not that that is any better!!
Joe, Sorry for grossing you out. I seem to never tell the whole story!
hey there, wot about the old dear whose teeth went in the sluice!!!! hehe
Ali, funny you should mention that, I was just telling a patient about that incident only yesterday.
Not my finest hour!
but a funny one....
Ali, too right. Was flipping funny. Especially the sound of the individual teeth swinging around the masher!
They don't do mashers here. It's all so old fashioned. We use plastic bed pans and ... du du duuur...WASH them!
It disgusts me everytime!
its the same at poole, horrible having to wash bed pans and rinse out the urinals!!! yuk xlots
hope u good. x
I want to know about the teeth!!! Another top ten please!!!!
I want to know about the teeth!!! Another top ten please!!!!
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