Joe with a hat she stole!!
Six Ft Hick were playing again. We were powerless to resist!
This time, they did not smash an ashtray over their heads, throw up in a champagne bucket or snog Joe to an inch of her life.
However, the ovaries did ping along to their testosterone fueled rock and the mosh pit was once again a huge hazard to young ladies with fragile lungs and glasses (Joe I did NOT implicate you directly!). We behaved very badly and pretended to be (pretended....acted like.....were) complete groupies and insisted on talking to the band afterwards. We met another nurse who was as enamoured with the hicks as we were. We were convinced he was gay until his hand slid up my tshirt and curled itself around my bra strap.
So anyway pictures of the delectableness.....

The guitarist Dan. He was lovely and indulged us in our drunken ramblings. For that I am grateful!

Gentle Ben.... I just can't refuse a man with a hairy chest...

...or in tight jeans. He has a stomach I could look at for the rest of my life!

Monkeying around on the ceiling joists. Note the bleeding on his back. This came from when he threw himself onto broken glass and spent the first ten minutes bleeding from various wounds on his back.
I should have been mortified.....but I felt strangely turned on....

Geoffro hinting at the fun you could have on his stomach

Beating on himself....

Making me just a bit more jellified in the knees.

And ending the show just as everyone would love to .
Hands down the pants and groaning!
You girls go to the best gigs!!! Nat, you have to check out this CD from a local guy, Christian Sleep.co.uk I think, anyway, he got a new CD out, think you'll like it! Oh and you might recognise him, he busks around the town in Plymouth!!
Joe, I know, I'm still in a perpetual state of arousal!!
Moo, Ta. Will definitely check out said Christian. I love lo-cal people! Probably wouldn't recognise him from busking though. Haven't lived in Plimuff for years now...
Natterjack, you are a dirty dog!
I'm off to the work christmas do tonight to face a double dose of ex's!!!!
vbvmaoo - the noise a cat makes when forced to swallow a great big worming tablet
Nat, that is all far too rude for a young woman like you! I assume you looked away when he put his hand down his trousers? Oh, wait, you took a pic of it, so that was a stupid question.
Spunky, Good luck and avoid the tequila. I'm off to a works do tonight too.
I am NOT avoiding the tequila...
Reidski, of course I turned away...for fear that I would throw myself at the feet of this god like creature and therefore have to split up with the boy at home!
Dave cooks far too well for me to leave him!
See you soon. I go home on the 2oth December and then it will soon be time to fly out to you yippee can hardly wait. Love you loads Mummy Sparkle.xxxxxxxxxxx
When you get a moment from your huge packing adventure can you check my blog it is being odd, I think I have actually managed to update how do I get pictures on??
Happy Christmas!! Hope you have a good one!
Natalie my Angel your blogger countdown is a day out we are not arriving until the 3rd of January I leave on the 2nd of January I don't arrive until 1820 your time on the 3rd January. See you next week Lots OF LOVE Sparkle.XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Hi Nat
If you read 12 months of pondering comments in May's blogger, it says fly out on the 2nd and arrive on the 3rd Jan, I was beginning to think I had told you I would arrive on the 2nd but I didn't I did say the 3rd Jan arrive.
See you next week Love you loads Sparkle.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am still here although it says I should be there. See you on Wednesday. Love you can't wait. Happy New Year Love you loads and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads. Mummy Sparkle. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ribbet, will guide you through piccys and the like when I'm pissed sometime....hmmm, just pick a day I guess!
Sparks, Can't wait to see you. Will be tracking the plane on t'internet...now I have it back...oh baby, mama missed you so...
Moo, Hoppy New Yardsale. Hope it provides you with enough chocolate and pant tingling!
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