Our ceiling is caving in!
It started to crack the Friday before New Years Eve so I rang the realty office.
No one was there!
I rang on NYE (obviously there wasn't much chance but still..) and no one was in.
I left it until Tuesday the 3rd. Someone answered that time and promised to 'get right onto it'.
The builder came around on Wednesday 4th and sucked air through his teeth...
'It's going to collapse you know' He said authoritatively
'Yes, I realised that' said Dave. 'What can you do about it?'
'Not sure' he replied. 'We'll have to get hold of the owners but you know they could be on their holidays, it being Christmas and all'
And so there it was left. I rang again this morning to be told that the builders didn't come back from their holidays until Tuesday 17th so they would organise something then! She told me not to worry when I asked her if she was aware that the ceiling was getting worse and was definitely going to collapse at some point in the near future.
So for the time being we have a Bunnings Warehouse discount broom holding up our roof.
Bloody laid back Aussies!
Dave here !!! (taking over for a wee bit from the shite Nat's been floging recently)
"Laid back aussies" is a good saying, and I'm not ashamed of it. It's better than being labelled "a hyper-reactive whingeing pommie bastard (sheila)". Yes it is hot, yes the mosquitoes do bite, yes there are flies that fly into your mouth, yes a wrong step whilst walking in long grass could mean lights-out (Joe Blake-stylee), yes there are sharks in the water, yes.... "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto", and yes the CEILING WILL FALL IN. It will let in more breeze to cool you down. Get over it! !! Its better than being in ABERDEEN. Just keep that in mind !!!! (Sorry to my friends in ScAberdeen, its not your fault !!!).
Anyway, at least she's out there having a go. What are you doing ?
Hi Nat, I know where you are coming from on the ceiling issue! I had a hole in my bedroom ceiling which somehow appeared one day in September. I called my landlord when I was home from holiday on about the 20th September and the hole was eventually repaired in December!!
Not only did i have a hole in the roof - water was puring in every time it rained and i had a huge damp patch where more water was starting to trickling in - needless to say my landlord got 3 months of hell from me!
Hope it gets sorted soon hun xx
oh my god! at least its not in cold cold wet wet grey grey aberdeen! i think you may have it right, its a mixture of laid back AND cant be arsed!!!
Hole is getting bigger. we now have three brooms holding up said ceiling!
...it's still gonna come down. Preferably in the middle of the night when it can put the shits up me!
Do you think that is just cause for a sick day?
Apologies. Big dave is drunk and wanted to write on my 'fabulous blog'!?
What am i doing? I'm freezing my arse off in the middle of bloody winter cos Perth doesn't have the decency to have any MW agencies or pharma companies i could work for. I mean, yeah, i could move to Sydney (possibly, if they'll have me) but i'd still be a considerable plane journey away. What's the point in that?
well davo, i totally agree that its a better place than aberdeen. it is not for the want of trying!!!!! i can however appreciate where nat is coming from as i too am thinking 'laid back or cant be arsed'! two weeks they said to me about the nomination for sponsorship!!!! that was a month ago!!!!!
Shaz, I told you not to take them at their word. They never keep to their time plan! Keep with it and you will be here by March time.
H, Sydney isn't that far away in Oz terms. They have Virgin blue here which is like Easyjet but with good looking stewards!
(flipping good looking stewards!)
Have read Davos bit again and haven't a bloody clue what the bugger was talking about! He was very tipsy. That is his only excuse.
And we've cut down on the booze as well. It doesn't bode well.
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