Du duh du duh du duh du duh...
How flipping exciting? A man was diving for crays when bam, he got smashed into by a great white (not even some poncy tiger shark or grey nurse shark but a real proper job great white just like in the films!).
But don't worry, Mr Great White only had a wee nibble and swam off. The bloke didn't even lose a limb....this time!
The best thing was that I was in the water at that precise moment splashing and rolling around like a seal pup....only about seven kms away from the attack site.
It makes me realise that I'm living in a land full of dangers and adventures. All I need now is to get bitten by a snake!
The picture itself is so shocking. Imagine to be in the water with that monster. How could you ever think of a snake. Snakes makes me have goose pimples.
ah but then dangerous and exciting is better than living here where the only thing dangerous is going out with your thermals on!!!!
Oh my god! Big explosions in the Big Bro house last night, not sure where to start...
So, up for eviction was dennis, faira and pete. Faria got the boot and bless she got booed out of the house! So, Dennis is prob gonna be moping about now coz they were getting it on, sort of!
Preston and George got reprimanded into the diary room after Faria had left yesterday and because they were both talking about nominations so they got punished. Punishment being that between them they had to decide on 3 people who would be up for nomination this week, so I hear you thats not really punishment but what Preston and George didnt know was that the other housemates were able to see what they were saying about the housemates and who they nominated on the flat screen TV's in dining area!!
So up for eviction this week is either Traci, Rula or Maggot. How mean is big brother, got to love it though!
Also, apparently the police have taken pete burns fur coat for testing. He told the housemates it was gorilla fur, so off it has gone for testing and if it is any type of monkey hair then there is a chance that Pete could face up to 5yrs in prison!!!
Thats all for now, shall keep you updated!
Found this and thought of you.
Vital reading in your neck of the woods now i should think!!
H x
How best to fight off a shark?
The Magazine answers...
An Australian diver has narrowly survived a shark attack by fighting it with his speargun - the latest in a long line of shark-related incidents. So what is the best way to take on a shark and win?
Bernie Williams, a 46-year-old Australian scuba-diver, fought off repeated attacks by an 11ft (3.5m) shark by hitting it on the nose with his speargun.
As is most often the case, he didn't see the shark coming until it bit him.
Mr Williams said: "It just came out from my left hand side... chomped on my arm and took me for a ride for about two metres.
"I stabbed it on the nose with a speargun, but it was just like hitting a lump of steel. It didn't slow down in the slightest."
The shark retreated before making another attack on Mr Williams, giving him just enough time to hide in a crevice near the ocean floor until his diving buddies came to the rescue.
So was Mr Williams' response a text book example of defence or are there better ways to take on Jaws?
Escape strategy
George Burgess, director of the Florida Program for Shark Research and the International Shark Attack File, says the first thing to do is get out of the water as soon as possible.
"Have an escape strategy at all times," he says, "But, if you're diving and can't get out of the water easily, find a place at the bottom of the ocean. This reduces the number of angles the shark can attack you from."
Mr Burgess recommends you swim back to back with your dive partner which gives you two pairs of eyes to watch for the shark.
Although getting out of the water as soon as you see a shark sounds like, sound advice, most attacks come out of the blue. Victims do not know they are in danger until the shark attacks.
"If you can't escape before an attack, hit it with an object - like a spear or camera or whatever you have to hand - avoid using your bare hands. You can replace your camera easily, but not your hands and feet.
"If the shark is persistent hit it hard on the end of the nose which is just a little north of the mouth. But be careful, if you miss you'll place your hand or weapon in the shark's jaws."
In an all-out shark-fight Mr Burgess, perhaps unsurprisingly, recommends being as aggressive as possible.
Play dead?
"Fight like a man," he says, "If you can, get your hands into the gill openings on the side of the shark which are very sensitive."
He also debunks the myth that remaining motionless may fool a circling shark into ignoring you and heading off for other prey.
"Whatever you do, don't ever play dead, if you're attacked and you can't escape you will have to fight back and then get out of the water as soon as you can."
Aidan Martin, Director of Australia's Reefquest Centre for Shark Research, echoes Mr Burgess' advice but adds that it's important not to panic.
"That may seem like a tall order under the circumstances, but most shark attacks result in injuries that are readily survivable. Do nothing to unnecessarily incite a retaliatory strike... I have no doubt it's possible to annoy a shark."
Mr Martin adds you should try to staunch any bleeding, even before you get out of the water.
Get out of the water ASAP
If you can't, head for the sea floor or hide in reeds
If cornered by a shark, hit it hard on the nose with an object
Avoid using bare hands and feet if possible
Target the gills and eyes which are sensitive
Never, ever 'play dead'
So, full marks to attack-survivor Mr Williams who responded exactly as recommended. But should we all be more aware of the dangers? Are sharks attacking more humans?
Total: 109 alleged attacks
Unprovoked: 61
Provoked: 15
Biting vessels: 12
Insufficient information: 13
Dismissed as non-attacks: 5
Source: International Shark Attack File
Decade on decade the number of shark attacks on people has increased.
However, Mr Burgess says, this is only because the number of humans spending more time in the water, and in deeper waters too. In effect, people are invading the sharks' territory.
"When I starting diving years ago we were oddballs, now it is a very common water activity. In reality, we're pushing the sharks out of the water."
Mr Martin agrees: "We need to stop treating the ocean like a swimming pool. It is a wilderness. And when we enter this liquid wilderness, we must assume responsibility for our own safety."
H, thats my shark! That one happened in Perth this week! What they failed to mention was that they actually think that his friends anti-shark device scared the shark off and from making any further attacks on the groups! The device emits electrical impulses that sharks find unpleasant. Good advice though re: attacking back. Had heard about about biffing it on the nose but had also heard that that would cut your hand to ribbons due to the hard, spikey flesh their. Eeeck!
Moo, BB sounds exciting. Do you think it is pure monkey hair? Would be very stupid to admit to that sort of thing on national telly! Keep me posted!
Shaz, dangerous and exciting certainly plays a part. As long as you don't do silly things and stay within your depth I think you'll be pretty safe in the water. Just watch out for the jellyfish!
FC, Unfortuantely they're not monsters but well within their rights to chomp on anything that floats their way. Remember we're intruding in their homes, not the other way round. Although, agreed, it's a pretty scary concept! And haven't actually seen a real living, breathing, hissing snake as yet. What can I say? I think they're scared of me!
Hi Nat
Update is that Pete's coat is not gorilla hair but poss monkey hair here is article from BBC news...
Police have confirmed a coat worn by singer Pete Burns on Celebrity Big Brother was not made from gorilla fur, but originates from colobus monkeys.
Officers took the coat following complaints Burns had boasted of it being gorilla, which could have been a of breach of endangered animals laws.
The matter has been passed to the Crown Prosecution Service to decide whether the coat contravenes importation rules.
Hertfordshire Constabulary said it treated wildlife crime as seriously as any other following complaints from the public about Burns bragging on TV of wearing gorilla fur.
Expert analysis
If it had been found to be gorilla fur then Burns could have been prosecuted under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites), which was passed in 1975.
Experts from the Natural History Museum in London were asked to analyse the coat after two officers collected it from Big Brother's base at Elstree Studios, Borehamwood.
The Colobus monkey originates from Africa
They found that it did not originate from gorilla but from black and white colobus monkeys, which are native to Africa.
The experts reported the coat was in a "relatively poor condition" and had been relined at some point.
Friday's live eviction pits actress Lenska against Goldie Lookin' Chain member Maggot and former Baywatch star Traci Bingham.
All three were chosen by fellow contestants George Galloway and Samuel Preston, who were punished for breaking house rules by having to choose three people they wanted to face the public vote - unaware the other contestants were watching.
I faced the same horror as Chuzz.
Fortunately some do gooders decided to 'rescue' it by dragging it onto a barge and killed it.
So thanks to them besides being lost up the Thames he spent his last moments in a terrifying situation.
Leave them alone you meddling tw*ts! They're there for a reason.
Hi Nat,
Hope you had a good weekend, mine was very quiet which was nice - saving the pennies for driving lessons which are going great!
So the latest on big bro, is on Friday (eviction night) Rula Lenska was evicted and then over the weekend George broke more rules by talking about nominations. So as punishment the rest of the housemates had to vote (they set up a proper polling booth) if George could nominate this week, thank goodness he wasnt allowed to and therefore this week the other housemates have decided to put him up for eviction as well as Dennis and Chantelle. There will be 2 evictions on Wednesday, I think George and Dennis will go, dont think the public will boot out Chantelle coz she is a favourite to win! Thats all for now!
Heard about poor whaley. It's been the top news all around the world except in Oz where they decided to report on the fact that all the countries of the world were reporting on some sodding whale in the Thames...as if no one has ever seen a flipping whale before. Tsk!
Moo, Ta for update. Am glad that my preston boy is holding on! What is so spesh about Chantelle?
oh and umm... 'pleasant waters of Sarf End'?
So has it turned another colour other than brown recently then?
Chuzz, you need a holiday mate. Well apart from the swoosh swoosh trip you're all on and left me out of. Did you not think to invite me? I may have really wanted to come over to Austria for the weekend.
Fancy making it a long weekend and popping over for a barbie friday night?
In fact you're all welcome. Anyone?
i am up for the barbie friday night, but only if you will come to my party on saturday!
barbie, yes please, have to work sat so ill have to leave early!!!!
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