Part Three of Birthday Celebrations!
We sauntered down to the river on a perfectly sunny day to have a barbie (winter, my arse!) and stumbled upon this scenario. A couple of off duty buddhist monks enjoying a couple of ice cream cones in the shade of a gum tree!
I love this country!

The council here are rather splendid fellows and supply free barbies for people to gather in public places. I suspect this is the complete opposite of the UK where the council spends an obscene amount of money to keep people away from public places.
We couldn't resist the urge to sit by the river drinking wine and eating barbequed sausages.

Being an aussie male you have to pass two tests in life. The first is to be able to watch ET without crying. There must be NO emotions displayed if one has testicles. The second test is to be able to cook on the barbie with a beer in one hand. At every barbeque in Western Australia you will find the men-folk milling around the hot coals decorated with beers in stubbie holders and barbie tongs. Women are strictly forbidden to remain within two metres of the barbie for fear of retribution.

...Which is why this photo is a rare pic indeed. However, Michael can be forgiven as he is an 'Aussie In Training' and hasn't quite read the whole Aussie manual yet!

...And Chloe is allowed to be at the barbeque as she isn't yet five years old. Plus she cooks the best 'snags' this side of Wagga Wagga!