I have some sad news for you all. Please remember that perhaps one day we can all look back and reflect on just how much joy was spread in this short period of time.
Tonight the Australian public voted to kick The Wiggle out of Pop Idol.
Damn you Australia. Why couldn't you look past the bad perm, dodgy teeth and slightly tragic past career moves (wiggling)?
After a near perfect, pant wetting rendition of 'Throw your arms around me' by Hunters and Collecters, I felt smug and almost cocky. Of course he would get through. So, imagine my shock at finding The Wiggle loitering in the dark, dank recesses of Idol Failure.
I told myself that he didn't have to do brilliantly, only good enough to get through to the next round. I didn't really need to see him win tonight. It wasn't as if I lived my whole week waiting perched anxiously on the edge of my seat for the Sunday Showdown or anything. I didn't need him. I could give him up at any time.
...if I wanted
It's just that it's the only pleasure I've had since I left all my friends and family behind on that cold summers morn back in Blighty. It's hard living in another hemisphere to the rest of your life. He was special. He sang to me and me only. It's not as if I'm some crazy obsessed fan rifling through his dustbins or underwear drawer in Hollywood or that I wile away hours googling Chris + Luder and Chris + Luder + nude on t'internet or that I spend afternoons practising my 'new' signature NJLuder, Natalie J Luder, Mrs Natalie Luder, Mrs Natalie Jane Barbour-Luder!
What am I going to do with my 500 pack of 'Wiggle to Win' button badges that are on their way from some sweat shop in South East Indonesia now?
am seriously beginning to worry about you. your sanity is now in question!!!! hold on babe, interview in glasgow week of 22nd sept!!!!!! am all excited and scared all at the same time!!!!!
hold on to those buttons i might be able to support to reinstate your 'wiggle'!
Luder! Luder! What did I teach you about surnames ? Your children would be nicknamed the little Luder cruder's can't have that surely it's ludercrous!
Love you, miss you,
x x x x x x x x x x x x x
nat your mum is right again!! (mummys are always right!) you would be better off sticking to the man you have Dr and Mrs Miller definately sounds better than Luder!!! as long as you dont name any of your kids windy!!!!
hi sparkle how ya doin? xxxx
Alas James B, you are right for I was far too cocky in my belief that The Wiggle did not need me that night!
It is all my fault. Australia, I take back my criticism of you for you are a fair and kind country at heart!
Now if someone could show me how to do that voting thingummy I could poss save someone else from Wiggles fate!
Hi Shaz, I'm doing fine. I have become addicted to this blogger thingy,as soon as I get up I check it and when I get home from work I check it, sad aren't I ? Hope your interview goes brilliantly and you fulfill your dream, it sounds like a fantastic place. Love Sparkle. x x x
Nothing wrong with having that last name. I never got anything with it. Just fyi
Nothing wrong with having that last name. I never got anything with it. Just fyi
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