Wednesday, September 07, 2005


It's Heather's Birthday today and I want to wish her a fan-tabulous, glittery shoe filled day.

I wish I was there with you drinking endless cups of tea and eating biccies.

Soz about the pressie being late but who do you think I am?

Missing you heaps bird!


shazza said...

my god how bad a friend am i!!! i forgot!!!! have text heather to say i am sorry but wouldnt blame her if she never spoke to me again!! if you can remember and you are thousands of miles away!!! god feel soooooooooooo guilty!

Nat said...

Heather, you're always bee-utiful! It's something about your soul! Same with Kirsty. She could never be ugly either!
It's the same etheral-ness!
Am so glad you quit that place. As Tank Girl would say: 'It's been swell..... but the swellings gone down now!'
Chocolate is definately on the prescription as is copius amounts of Trisha. How can you feel miserable for yourself when there are people out there willing to wash their dirty laundry in public....and with bad perms too!!
That's entertainment!!
Mucho grande mushiness xxxx