It was fab.
There you go, Thats it!
You can bugger off now?
....So you want to stay for my slide show?
Oh goody. I love slide shows!
NHS Specs: ON
Lights: OFF
Everyones attention: ON ME!

The Quokka Arms.
The local pub, hang out for alcoholics, quokkas and peacocks. Many beers were supped and many quokkas were fed (in secret of course as feeding the animals is frowned upon).
I think I broke the jukebox.

A quokka. Really, you just can't not feed them.

They really do get everywhere The island is infested with them. Hmm, hence the name 'Rottnest'?

Sunrise over Thompson Bay.

The only way to get around the island as you're not allowed cars (apart from the policeman and the grocer!). You can hire trikes, tandems and childrens buggys to hook onto the back of your bike.
The bikes were great but bloody hell, my arse hurt.

One of the beaches. Completely deserted apart from Dave, myself and Dave's mate Mick and his girlfriend Jo.

Dave, Jo and Mick

More Dave, Jo and Mick

Dave was fishing off the beach when this bugger just swam straight past him! And yes, the water really is that colour. Perfect for snorkelling. And it was so warm too. I mean, it froze your bits off for a couple of minutes but after that it was sheer bliss.

One of the peacocks from The Quokka Arms.They were showing off all week but the peahens were so not impressed.
Should have shown them their willies instead!

We went fishing at sunset. There were hundreds of fish swimming around and because of the Leeuwin Current the waters are warm enough so the tropical fish can come down to Rotto to breed. There were loads of funky zebra fish all trying to eat my bait (was quite glad they couldn't get their mouths around the hook though. Wouldn't want to catch a pretty fish).
When we had just packed up a MASSIVE manta ray swam past. He would have been a couple of metres in diameter. Was glad that I wasn't in the water at that point. Would have scared the shit out of me!

These ones, we caught, cooked and ate for breakfast!!

Little Fish Hook Bay. The colours in the water were stunning. This is at the furthest point of the island. It takes you about an hour to cycle there.

It's a King Skink. There were hundreds of them on the island and apparently there are hundreds of snakes too.
Did I see one? Nope.
Dave and I had a great time cycling everyday and throwing ourselves into the water when we got too hot. I fully intended to read the four books I took over but as per usual, I didn't even finish Shantaram (that I've been reading for weeks now).
But thanks for all the book suggestions, I practically bought out the bookstore. However I didn't buy the ones that Reidski suggested. Maybe next time eh?
Please can i have a Quokka?
You should put a picture of one on a T-shirt that says:
Quokkas R Qute
Quiss me Quokka
(oh ok, maybe not!)
H, love your ideas.
Will try and A; find one or B; make one.
...just for you!
Looks lovely and so do you!
I'd like a Quokka too.
So Nat did ya play Quokka Sokka!!! Ya can't go to Rotto and not play Quokka Sokka.
Just fill the little buggers full of bread then simply kick em around. Loads of fun. They make funny sounds when hitting the goal post though.
No not really.
I have never play such a game. What kind of barbaric psychotic nurse do you think I am.
I am a animal lover, except for moths. REALLY HATE MOTHS.
That was supposed to read- I have never PLAYED such a game.
I can be a real dumb ass sometimes.
Spelling really isn't my forte, lucky I'm such a farkin good nurse. Oopps, there goes that bad spelling again.
If I haven't told ya yet too Nat, my misses really thinks your cool. I think your developing a fan club!!
Spunky, come over and get one then.....xx
Glenn, no, we did NOT play kick about with the quokkas. We merely fed them, thus leaving them vulnerable to starvation throughout the winter months when there will be no tourists around to keep their bellies fat. They are, at this stage, useless at catching their own food due to people like me, domesticating them and making them too lazy to go out hunting!!
so no, I didn't kick them...I was way worse!
Cool, Kay can be in my fan club (think it involves people sitting around and laughing at the stupid things I do. Normal day really). I think she's cool too even though I only met her the once.
PS You ARE a Farkin good nurse!
We all love quokka's.
And Reidski is very naughty to suggest such reading material. Tusk. What am I to do with him?
Erh, will have to check those books for any suggestions.
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