Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Big Wet

I had completely forgotten about it. After all it hadn't been a presence here in months. Sure, there were fleeting visits but they were sporadic and half-hearted. Nothing really to get your knickers in a twist. So imagine my surprise when I looked out of the window at work this morning and saw that it was going to be an extended visit?

The rains had started.

As I walked outside after my shift, the dusty parched earth smell had been replaced with the lush smell of the grass and trees. The freshness was intoxicating.

Somehow in the past few months, I'd managed to forget how rain could, at times, be unrelenting and cold as it fell and stung your face. How the drops would collect to form icy trickles down the back of your neck. The way it would encourage my already wayward hair to frizz and kink in all the wrong places.

Driving home, I had to wind down the windows to prevent them from fogging up. The best thing about working nightshifts is that if the weather is bad outside the rhythm of the rain lulls you into sleep inside. The dreakness outside seems to seep into the bedroom and cloak you with darkness. Snuggling up under the duvet feels like absolute bliss!

I haven't slept this well since my days of nightshifts in deepest winter in Aberdeen where you wake and you have no idea of whether it's day or night as the dusk lasts all day.

Two more night shifts to go.....

1 comment:

Jay said...

It's a lot less pleasant when you need to GO to the night shift and it's pissing down, and you know that no matter what you do, wear or hold, you're going to get totally drenched, and pneumonia is just a sneeze away.