Sunday, June 11, 2006

Nurse, I'm Having Palpitations....

Have had to make a mad dash to the shops for a job lot of white vests.

Unbeknownst to me, for the last eleven months whenever I have bent over to take a patients bloods or blood pressure, they have been able to see ALL the way down my uniform my sparkly belly button ring!

No wonder so many of my elderly male patients have been complaining of chest pain when I'm on duty!


cookie monster said...


heres hoping they had a supply of tissues to hand.......


That was funny! Good they only had palpitations and not a heart attack.

cookie monster said...

they might have faked the heart attack just to get the kiss of life?!

Holly said...

nat, it would only happen to you!! Who fessed up? A patient? or a colleague?

Jay said...

I've got a couple of (straight) porn videos that start like that.

Nat said...

Cookie, Tissues provided! It's still not as bad as the time when (I was a very naive student) I thought an elderly and incapacitated patient was having a fit. I sat and held his hand for ages. I later discovered the dirty old man was actually having a wank!!

Friday, Phew, am glad that it's only palpitations. I would hate to have that on my concience

Moo, I discovered it myself and had several colleagues confirm it. Was chasing people around asking them if they could see my boobs all day. Not my greatest moment.

Jay, maybe I should explore that idea further? I could probably make a lot more money that way?

J.J said...

Carry on Nat!

The Juicer said...

I've been having chest pains. Can you please help?

Spunky Trunks said...

I have wood. Can you help?

PS where are you Natterjack? You're very quiet. Are you too engrossed in the World Cup to post? Yes that'll be it.

Holly said...

Nat, Robbie is playing in Perth on 30th November - Subiaco Oval...get yerself registered as subscriber at (think its £25 to register) but as subscriber you'll get first dibs on tickets!!

Nat said...

JJ, my life is one complete Carry On movie!

Juice, take an aspirin, you'll be alright! (did I mention that I'm a terrible nurse?)

Spunkster, sorry I've not been around. am a very important person and I've been a busy busy bee! (not really, just been working too hard and then falling asleep on the sofa while watching BB-Oz....which is crap) I love you still! xx

..ooh and I've dyed my hair pink again! Not quite like the original though, I still have hair on both sides of my head!

Didn't Oz do well against Japan? I'm choosing to ignore the Brazil debacle!

Moo, I know, the tickets are sold out. Never mind, at least I have knebworth!