Wednesday, March 15, 2006

How I met....Spunky Trunks

Series One (I've just bought a new scanner so I can post all those decadently awful pics of friends before I had a digital camera!)

We met (cliche: bridesmaid/ best man!). He had a girlfriend and I had a boyfriend but they were respectively rubbish for us.

I do believe this was the weekend that I threw a sickie and scarpered up to London (enduring the infamous 95 mile/hr speeding ticket and then getting away with it!) and then when I went back on the Monday night they sent me home cos I looked ill still.

Bloody hell we were sooo young!

Spunkys catalogue pose.

We used to get a lot of comments from people admiring that fact that we were 'so in love'!

He is spunky though, eh?

The arse that I worship to!


H x said...

Oh my god.... I dread to think what pictures you have of me....! ;)

Nat said...

H, you're next!!

Do don't mind the pic of the ibizan toilets do you??

Holly said...

God I am so glad you have no pictures of me! Nice bottom though Spunky...oh and great curtains!!