Thursday, March 09, 2006

"People wot i look like III (Daves Go!)"

So I asked Dave the same question. Here are his replies:

Geoff Lawson (some aussie cricketer)

Phil Tufnell (some other cricketer)

And Deputy Dawg (a cartoon!)

What a lucky girl I am!


Spunky Trunks said...

What a loving young gent he is.

Like deputy dawg though.

I must raise my major worry is noticeable that he only likens you to men. Does he have any homo-erotic leanings by any chance?

bfvarkc - medieval armour made from the scales of armoured mammals

Nat said...

no silly, this is who HE looks like!

Sparkle said...

Ha ha ha ha ha I can't stop laughing what a silly billy is our Spunky trunks cos even I read it properly as people who Dave looks like. hahahahaha.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

shazza said...

i think that davo looks like james martin the telly chef and like flynn in home and away! quite dishy actually! but then he would have to be or you wouldnt be with him eh?