Yippee, at last! Our container of goodies arrived from Scotland this week. Contrary to popular belief, it did not fall off the back of the ship and float towards some deserted island somewhere in the Indian Ocean. And my favourite boots did not end up on the feet of some very grubby shipwrecked Tom Hanks-a-like. Dave and I have been living out of our suitcase for thirteen weeks but, hoorah, no more. We are now living it up as royalty lording over all our beautiful tat!
However, because I acted like it was Christmas day (I really did get up early after a night shift to sneak a peek at all our lovely boxes) I couldn't wait to unpack every flipping last box. So now I have a spare room which you can't actually get into because of all the scrunched up paper, bubble wrap and flattened boxes! It looks like a childrens playground in there with paper balls instead of those every colour plastic jobs. There's a money making scheme right there?
The down side to not having my stuff for so long is that I don't actually like any of my clothes anymore. I need to go shopping. So it ain't all bad!
Anyway I can't sit here all day. I must go and make a cup of tea in my favourite mug, sit in my sun room on my recliner with the sumptous cushions and admire the twinkling mirror ball hanging from the verandah!
well done babe, at last it must feel like home!!!! am waiting somewhat anxiously for some kind of reply to my latest email to the wa C of & I!!! mikey has decided not to come!!!!! am all very scared now!!!!
Shazza,You must drag Mikey by the scruff of his neck doon under. He'd really regret it else. There's been loads about the massive recruitment drive on the telly here. So much so that Dave has started grumbling about getting a move on with buying our house 'before the bloody poms get here and take all the decent ones'!!
Holly, Thanks for looking after Sparkle for me. I'm afraid it's a full time job usually involving night shifts, lots of wine and beaucoup de glittery things. Are you serious about the date? If so then I reckon you should go for it. The worst outcome is you get a fab dirty weekend away in Geordieland. Sounds ace. Stop it, I'm getting waves of homenausea!
Guess what? Mike has said that ads for horsey related things In WA come up fairly often in Horse & Hound. But i'd have to find a MW job as well of course. And what about Ollie....??!
Hi Nat,
Update on the blind date! Didnt go very well fortunately for me! Turns out that after 2 days of chatting he decided to tell me that he had a girlfriend and a baby that happened to be born whilst we were in communication with each other! What a muppet! So needless to say i dont hear from him very often anymore!
Sparkle is very stressed at the moment but im trying to keep her out of trouble - which as you know is very difficult!
Loving your blog by the way, you are so funny! You should make these blogs into a book or something!
Must go and see what sparkle is up to!
Take care xx
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