Monday, August 22, 2005

Inappropriate Crushes

Do you think it's wrong to have a crush on someone who is a; on the Australian Pop Idol, b; was a replacement wiggle (don't ask!!) and c; makes a funny face when he sings?

It's the time of the wrong obsession again. I think his name is Chris (I know, his pic does not do him justice!) but I prefer to call him The Wiggle. Apparently The Wiggles are the next big thing. Well since boobah and the tellytubbies and that crappy Scottish Island thingy. Do you see why this is so wrong? I should be placing my teenage heart throbbings on someone a little more, well, manly!

In The Wiggles defence, he does have a voice like chocolate and he's 'ugly cool' and he's soooo the sensitive new age man thing. Maybe thats why I like him. Cos I already have one neanderthal 'real' man at home. Someone who won't cry when he falls down the stairs and breaks his toe and finger. Dave also states that it's illegal for Australian men to get married and it's an even bigger offence against the laws of 'Aussie Bloke' to say anything mushy! Yep, this is probably the reason why I have to twang the hormonal flirtations for the sensitive man occasionally!

Marti Pellow still makes my belly wibble like it did when I was eleven! I think I did this with Ainsley from Fame Academy as well. There is no hope for me!


Nat said...

It's just a really bad pic. he's lovely really. Honestly. Can't a girl have a hobby? I've also been told by Dave that he heard an interview with James Blunt today and he sounds like a posh gay wimp with a lisp. Typical!

Spunky Trunks said...

Oh my key!

He brings dishonour to my name!