Well, I must admit the thought of working on my birthday did not thrill me through to my new spangly knickers. (Pic is of Ward 17 in Abdn not here in Oz!! Back row: Margaret, Marie, Fi Fi, Amanda & Benji {who if anyone knew me back then, doesn't Benji look like Jon? Used to freak me out. They had the same mannerisms too. Spooky!}, Middle row: Lisa-Marie & Nat, Front row: Lisa/Bert) However I did get fussed over and hugged a lot by colleagues so I felt almost Hollywood princess like. When they scrawled 'Happy Birthday Nat' in big letters over all the available space on the white board and then presented me with a balloon heart on a balloon stick I felt like a true Oscar winner. There was almost a shiny tear in the corner of my eye! Even the old wifeys that run the coffee shop gave me free pasties. It was as if they knew that I was a devonshire bird all alone down under and all I needed was a little reminder of home!! I felt touched by the genuine goodness of people.
However that does not mean to say that I will be working on the 24th next year. No, I'm not that stupid. I would still have preferred to be sitting at home admiring my flowery pants whilst drinking tea and eating timtams (which are my new obsession). At least I didn't kill anyone. In fact all of my patients were impeccably well behaved. I was kept really busy antibioticing everyone whilst squeezing blood and platelets into them at a rate of knots. I really didn't have a moment to start feeling sorry about my lack of close by friends or social life the whole shift.
Question: How long after you start a new job are you allowed to admit that coming into work each day is not why you love life? Me thinks I may have insulted my new manager. On my arrival to the ward yesterday, my manager nonchalantly asked me how I was and I replied 'I'd rather be at home with my head in a bucket, am sooo hungover'.
So now she thinks I'm an alcoholic (prob true) and I that I couldn't give a rats derriere about the dying hordes on the ward (also prob true....ish!).
glad that your new colleagues made an effort, was worried that you would be all sad and lonely on your birthday. i think you have done well to keep enjoying going to work for as long as you have, so i think your manager will not be surprised to hear that you would rather be at home! however, admitting to having a hangover at work maybe wasnt your brightest move, oh well now they get to meet the real nat!!!! wish i could have shared your hangover tho!!! miss you babes xxxxx
hey nat. i like ya blog ;) was just browsing through blogs available on blogspot.
Happy birthday natterjack. The post above me is insane.
I cut the end of my finger off, needed a nurse!!!
Nat, Blogger have a way to help you avoid comment spam. Log in and look at the dashboard and it'll tell you how to change the settings http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=1203.
It will mean that everyone else will have do go though one extra step but we won't mind (will we?!) H x
Shaz, am saving the best hangover for you bird!!
H, will def look into that but I think only christoph h, and '.' are spammers. I think I know spunky trunks!!
Spunky, I wish I was there to tend to your nursing needs! Do you want me to send you a band aid?
I wish that too!
And now I have the mother of all colds! Ack! Nurse!
Ah well the weekend is here. There is drinking to be done. I will enter the 'drink yourself fit' programme.
Have a great weekend.
Love you always
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