1, Bonnie Langford

2, Danny Kaye

3, Ricki-Lee Coulter

4, Meryl Streep? (Well one person said this but it was 13 years ago when I was delicate and had cheekbones)

Why don't more famous people look like me? Heaps of people tell me that I remind them of someone they have met. It just so happens that these people are the non-famous and that doesn't count!
In that picture of you and me at S&N's 25th in Glasgow you look the spitting image of Gillian Anderson. I always wanted to look like her too.
What aboot a young Maureen Lipman?
And the lass who gets on't bus with me on Blackwall Lane. I find her attractive purely cos of you.
AND you are far far finer than any of those you or I have mentioned.
Natalie Steve says you are the spitting image of KT Tunstall and that girl who does the decorating programmes she is called Catherine but I can't remember her surname. I love Bonnie Langford now she is cool since the skating absolutely fandabydosy. x x x x x xx x x x x
Ma, KT Tunstall is Chinese!!
Well part chinese anyway. I did get my hair cut like hers though. I wish I did look like her, she's gorgeous.
And I'll take it all back about Bonnie if she's turned cool now. Soz Bonnie!
h, I remember that photo and you are right, there was a hint of GA in it, I wish I looked like her too!
Spunky, Maureen Lipman? Are you trying to give me a heartattack? Is it not bad enough to be compared to Danny Kaye? And the bird on your bus? I told you all the non famous ones look like me!
I like Meryl Streep especially where she came out in the movie Bridges of Madison County. When she acts she acts very natually.
Steve says your mannerism's are just like KT's every time he sees her sing. The girl on the decorating programme is Kathryn Rayward. You also are the spitting image of the most famous person in the world Tina Sparkle, who thinks you are the most wonderful person in the world and she should know as she is married to the Prime Mnister. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Favourite line of the week well the week was a long time ago. Sailors for Sailorettes, rooms to let 50 cents ha ha remember that one? Love you Sparkle. xxxxxx
well i think you do look a little like meryl streep. you have the fantastic cheek bones! i dont look like anyone, except for some strange and unknown reason amanda spence says i look like catherine zeta jones in the pic at rhos night out???????? think she was drunk!!!!
FC, Meryl is in fact a goddess. I would to actually look like her
Sparks, KT is a legend, would love to resemble a mere hint of her! Kathryn Rayward is pretty cool though.
Steve does wear rose tinted glasses!
Fave line this week is 'hey there mardy bum, I've seen your frown and it's like looking down the barrel of a gun!'
I remember sailors for sailorettes. You mad bean!
Shazza, you do have a cjz quality about you! You just forgot to bag yourself a rich old man with a hollywood career and a weak heart!
Hi Babe I have just spent the night with Ali G SHE LOVES YOU TOO. Ali looked so georgous in her red top she was with KaRen in Union rooms now Lloyds Bar complete with music. I love you it was my night with my team as they missed me as I am leaving them Holly took some photies. Lov e you baby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ali G sends you loads of love and Karen does too it doesn't seem five minutes ago we were in the Union Rooms with her and Karen does it.Ali is a junior sister now and she sends loads of love to you . Love you loads too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nat, i must stop going out with Sparkle! I have the biggest hangover today and I have a driving lesson later, ack!
Saw one of your friends Ali G last night, I took some photies I shall post them when I work out how to do it!
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