I know you all think that my life is just an excess of drunken debauchery, rock gigs, jumping around on my bed in my 'David and Goliath' knickers and sipping beers in sunset ridden pubs.
My god, you are completely right.
I had another one...(drunken debauched rock gig that is)
We saw T'Darkness...baby.
I arrived at the venue, bouncing. I'd arrived with some of the finest specimens of man and lady- hood in the whole Perth region. Fortunately I managed to drag a very lovely young lady, Alissa (I'd already befriended this young woman on the 'grab a basketball and wear it on your head' event that was Rock It) into the sweaty masses of alcohol fried young men at the very front of the crowd. There we bounced and spun and rebounded off the bulky chests of the very sweaty, silky, smiley students.
They were lovely. Aren't boys great?
So Justin and the boys rocked my socks off. I even fell in love with the bass player a little bit. He has a very sexy baldy heid. I know, I feel disloyal to Frankie Poullain and I will always love his moustache out of all the moustaches in the world but a girl has to go with her loins with this one! Although I must say that the pleasure of seeing Justins flaming loins up close did something very strage to my belly. I'm sorry to say that I would... You know, if he asked nicely enough!
The weirdest part of the night came at the end when we were loitering on the street. Someone called out my name and I turned to see a girl I went to school with. No biggy except for the part that we grew up a thousand million miles away in Plymouth.
As I said to a friend later, I can't do one flipping original thing! I move to other end of the world and some chick I hung out with in the playground has bloody well beaten me to it!
Who was the girl from Plymouth? I am very interested.
Love you loads Sparkle.xxxxxxxx
Rachel Horswell. We never hung out together but we did sort of socialise in the same wider circle. Weird eh?
You have done loads of original things. Vince the Prince, tap dancing in a hot air balloon, final 7 of the tap dancer of the year competition in the All England tap competition in the Sadlers Wells theatre.Fairy Princess, I will resume when I get home from work...........
Nat please.... You wouldn't really. Not really. Please say you wouldn't!
I'd rather eat avocado jelly!
H x
i am soooooo jealous! i was supposed to be going to that gig with you!!! bugger the red tape!!! i wouldnt with justin but his little brother daniel now!! yes yes and a big fat yes!! i love the darkness! t in the park was fab and i would have paid the £90 just to see the darkness! of course it was a bonus to see the delays and the ordinary boys, but the darkness were the dogs bollocks! save me a ticket for arctic monkeys babe, i'm coming soon!!!!
Ma, ok have done some original things...but not in the last few years.
H, no. No in the cruel light of day. Most famous people look more handsome in real life but not our Justin. Quite liked the bassist though. He was quite raw and grrr.
Shaz, eurgh. Even the brother isn't much in real life. You can have him though. Will definitely get you a ticket for T'Arctic Monkeys. However, we shall fancy not one of them...being it's illegal to crush after school children and all!
'm jealous!
Tap dancing champion of the South West of England. Tap dancing champion in Plymouth. Tap Dancing Champion in Exeter. Trophy for the highest mark in the Festival....You won the tap and modern in Watford festival... You won the tap in Bristol and Burnham on sea. You fell over right onto your bum in Weston super Mare festival.... I could go on and on but I will leave this for now..... Was Rachel H at Coombe Dean or Plymstock? Love you loads My Fairy Princess.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya Nat...crisis in my blog world so cautious about posting at the moment, but still love you and yours!
Spunky, good, maybe you'll join me at the next gig then?
Maaaaaaaaa, stoppit. That was years ago. And I can't go back to tap lessons yet either cos my ankle is still sore from my drunken heels...
Jane, hope I haven't said anything incriminating? Hurry back love and take care. xx
and ma, coombe dean.
no i agree we will not have any crushes on the arctics. they are all spotty teenagers! even mikeys acne is that bad!!!!!
Nat you rock!!! Awesome pics of da band and you of course. Looks like you all had a great night. Oh to be young again!!
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