Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Bikes and Hits

Well I'm pretty sure someone has a contract out on my life. That bloody starling bombed me again. Every bloody day (well apart from Saturday as Dave and I had arranged to meet half way at the pub but he wasn't playing and cheated by bringing the car. I ended up drinking too much beer and having to walk the bike in a not very straight line to his car where he chucked it in the boot and drove me home, thus keeping me from Mr Pecky). He incessantly pecked at my hair and left shoulder (he really is attracted to my left shoulder, odd. Maybe he wants my hair cos it looks like straw after a shift with it screwed to my heid in a bun all day?).

This time in a bid to swat him away from my face (not the face please, no not the face) I near on rode into a passing 4WD, overcompensated with the fright and veered off the road, bumped over the kerb and almost landed in the river! It was a beautiful day so I rode on a little way farther, taunting the would be assassin with 'Eurrrarghs' and 'Grrrs' as I went. I found a quiet spot and spent ten minutes paddling in the cool clear waters of the Swan River. Well after first checking for these really dangerous spikey fish things (another of Daves stories. Do I believe him?).

I'm enjoying the ride still. I'm wondering when the novelty will wear off. It does feel like a fantastic way of unwinding after a hellish shift. It can take me an hour to get home depending on whether I stop for a paddle or not. It does mean I miss forty minutes of mind-numbing telly though. Am still not sure if this is a good thing or not. My second favourite bit of the ride (after riding through the bushland next to the river, singing my head off) is when I ride past the old folks units. Why do the oldies always get the best views? You can tell its inhabited by the elderly as it smells of grannies and freshly cooked apple pie. It feels really homely around there that it never fails to remind me of my gran and nana. They were always baking pies and such like. No one does that anymore, well not me at least but then I don't cook. Ever!

So wish me luck as I go into week two of 'Natalies Thigh Busting Plan'. Not sure it's going to work as exercise always gives me an appetite. That's a cruel twist of fate if ever I heard one!


H x said...

Maybe the birdy's baby has fallen out of the nest and is sitting near the bottom of the tree somewhere out of site and every time you go past the tree the birdy is worried you will hurt her baby? I seem to remember something about bird attacks being something to do with warding off or distracting predators from a nest???

(pginj - V bird like!)

Nat said...

But why does Mr Pecky only attack me? Yesterday I cycled a little way behind another cyclist and passed a jogger on the way. None of them got attacked and neither did the guy walking past afterwards. He was openly laughing at me as I swore very loudly at Pecker!
I think its me!

H x said...

Ok well the only other explanation is Mr Pecky doesn't like your home hairdo.

Sorry hon! :o)

shazza said...

birds!!!!!! my biggest phobia!!!!!! i would have needed to be admitted to the nearest psychiatric unit after that! on top of cycling!!! my god!!! what has happened to my booze guzzling, clubbing best mate!!!!!! your getting all too healthy on me!!!!!! miss ya babe. my b'day night out on friday wont be the same without you!!!

Nat said...

H, Well it can't be my roots he's taken offence to as I diligently wear my sexy bike helmet! It must be the straw like ends. Or the turquiose stone on my hair band?

Shaz, Don't worry I will return to beer swilling very soon. Well as soon as you arrive! Am trying to be healthy as everyone here looks like they've stepped off the set of Home and Away! Most disconcerting. And don't worry about the birds. Dave agrees with H re: the baby bird story. It is the most likely but am still unsure why no one else gets attacked! Maybe it knows I'm a pom?

shazza said...

do you think its something to do with being female? was any of the other passers by female? i agree about the baby bird thing tho! you will understand better when you become a mummy!

Sparkle said...

Who would have thought it an there you were worried about snakes and spiders and the most violent thing you have encountered is a starling. Maybe he migrated from England because of a bad experience with Jamiroquai singing Dynamite and now there you are stirring his emotions again, or maybe he thinks humans shouldn't sing. Love you loads Sparkle x x x x x x x x