Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Short Guide to Aussie Politics

How Politics is won!!

A photo-story rather like those that graced Mizz magazine back in the 80's, demonstrating the delicate intracacies of 'Politics Down-Under'

Meet our star crossed lovers:

John Howard (leader of the Liberal Party)

Kim Beazley (leader of the Labor party). For Aussie purposes please turn everything you know about politics on its head, therefore Liberal are Labour and Labor are Liberal

JH: Grrr, Kim. You'll never get my job. I'm king of the world.

KB: Shucks boss, don't be horrible, it hurts my feelings.

JH: Everyone hates me but they are all too scared to vote for someone evil plan is working... mwhaa ha ha ha ha!

KB: Not this time Speccy-Spitty man for I shall win them over with my magnificent beer gut and delinquent wiggly mono-brow

JH: I told you Kim-boy, I'm king of the world. Take that you brute *biff*. I shall stamp on your head til you bleed from your eyeballs! Da daah

JH: Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda...
KB: Please Johnny, if you are going to have naughty bott bott sex with me could you refer to me as 'Giorgio La Bamba'?

JH: Take that naughty Giorgio La Bamba. I win again. The unsuspecting public will never know the truth!

With many thanks to 'Tuck and Roll' who share an uncanny resemblance to our beloved Politicians of Australia. (And many belated but reluctant thanks to the psycho ex-boyfriend who tried to buy my love with these magnificent singing and dancing toys!)


shazza said...

now i know that you have totally lost the plot. darling you really need to make some friends!!! get out more!!! have a baby!!!! get a puppy!!!! anything!!!!!!!

Sparkle said...

You have still got them and they went to WA with you how marvellous. I thought they were going to be destroyed along with Dave's toy years ago. They have gone from Torquay to Bournemouth to Aberdeen and now to Australia with you.You will have to keep them forever now. I love you Sparkle x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Sparkle said...

You have still got them and they went to WA with you how marvellous. I thought they were going to be destroyed along with Dave's toy years ago. They have gone from Torquay to Bournemouth to Aberdeen and now to Australia with you.You will have to keep them forever now. I love you Sparkle x x x x x x x x x x x x x